Check out these helpful resources for busy medical practitioners and medical trainees.
To learn about cost effective CME and exciting websites designed for the busy medical practitioners and for medical trainees, follow the hyperlinks shown below:
Ontario Telemedicine Network
The Ontario Telemedicine Network uses videoconferencing and advanced information communication technologies to deliver clinical, educational and administrative services to more than 440 health care sites province-wide. They engage providers and institutions, manage technologies, foster innovation and deliver telemedicine training.
The Ontario Health Link for Practitioners is a fabulous single source of local health information resources.
Canadian Library of Family Medicine
Check “Sites of Interest” at the Canadian Library of Family Medicine for a fast way to a host of must-visit sites.
Critically Appraised Practice Reflection Exercise developed by the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto. Check out the MAINPRO-C study credit package deals.
A website developed by a British Columbia doctor for Canadian physicians with relevant information to physicians.